Why are we here? What we are about?

The precursor for this site began the in late summer of 2020. Its purpose was to serve in three capacities:

My obvious passion for trains and the railroad.

The obvious theme for this page. The railroad has been a passion of mine for some time and one that I enjoy sharing with family and friends. There’s something here for everyone!

To be a faith-based resource for families that are dealing with a crisis that may be quite sensitive in nature.

Exclusively for parents, whether its abuse in the home, addiction, mental health disorders, sexual assault, or a child getting trouble with the law. Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of a spouse and the children is paramount.

To act as a written memoir of the numerous unique opportunities and challenges that personally have faced, as well as those of my family.

My intention is help others who have faced similar situations of spiritual and emotional abuse at the hands of church leadership, suffered financial ruin, or left one religious setting to join another.